Yea, I know this blog ard become a rusty just drop by here to see who is the first one discover my post..hahaha... Well, time passed fast n we all had entered uni...some us even are in senior year..graduate soon huh? Ha..well I m still struggling in 2nd yr n 2 more years to go! Most of you all are going to graduate next year, n then starting to get a job n yes, u r transfer to another phase more skul life, is job life...then I hope we still have time for gathering or maybe a trip when we start to work? No matter what, u guys still nid to squeeze ur time out, I don't care...hahaha... YES, miss you guys a lot! N I dunno when u guys will see this post? 2 months? Half year? O even a year later? I bet you if you come here, it prove that u started to miss f5 time n rmb tat we had create a blog abt us once upon a time...
9 years ago