ps ho , i didn't say it is a confirmed disease ( do u noe wat is under research?)
it is jus a suspected case n r undergoing investigation
so,before we can get any result,the only matter that we can do is to becareful n becareful
(who can guarantee it is a not a FATAL disease)
so,i m kindly to giv everyone my sincere advice
as a science student ,i mus be alert to the environment n we should detect the potential disease around us (this is one of the basic qualities of science student)
so,the report that i written jus now is only a hypothesis for human being (pls dun misanalyse wat i had written)
*the most important thing is ,u said that u seek for the asistance of pathology,right? where is the evidence? how we noe that u r not bluffing?
*one more point--- pls observe who r the person who show intense response to my post,he or she will be suspected as the "infected" person tat i mentioned ~
9 years ago
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