firstly..hello everyone..i'm szeyee...hmm...i tink u all noe me...haha..since i'm so 38...surely all of u noe me...if dun noe me nvm...i'll introduce myself here...haha.....the most beautiful girl in ur life..>.<
that's me....hehe..
first post.
i want to talk about 'hiao po' dis two words..
tat day..someone(1) said..'hey..szeyee..u really hiao lo..!'
of course...i'm nt happy..but i din show it to anyone else...
well..just want to tell tat person..i'm nt a hiao po!!
last week ..i changed my pencil mum bought it to me...she said tat pencil box is bigger..can put calculator...since i'm always a obedience girl...>.<..
i changed it....who noe...
first day i went to skul wif my new pencil box...
den...someone(2) said..'walau..szeyee..why u so hiao ..use this kind of pencil box..'
again..omg...hey girl...u noe wat is the meaning of hiao po or nt?
if dun noe then juz keep quiet la...dun simply use this two words on me...
babi kau...opps..sorry..i promised someone(3) tat i wont use 'babi' again...
ok la...last time...haha..
nth more....juz like tat...juz want to let all my friends noe tat i'm nt a hiao po...
dun say it again...pls...i very sensitive to this two words...why??
hmm...bcos i dun like hiao po la...simple...
trial is coming soon....gambateh ba...all my friends...
9 years ago
1) wat is 38?
2) beautifuL?? wer?
3) wat is hiao?
38 mean three n eight...aiyo...dun noe how to explain...haha...u go n ask other who is better in english...i tink they can explain it..haha.those girl who has a normal human face den kira beautiful..those boy who has a normal human face then lira worry...u'r also a handsome boy..bcos u hv a beautiful friend like me..hahaha. .'hiao' a...i also dun noe how to say..>.<...LOL...macam x answer u...hehe..
38 means chatterbox...
hiao means like... i gv n example here:
VIDesh says to everyone that he is handsome... but actually he is not handsome... so... tis is called hiao...n oso like kae sheng hu keep seeing mirror in class although he no nid to do so as his face will nt bcum mine tak kira he look the mirror until how long...
understood nw? but i m nt hiao... bcoz i m jux conveying the truth tat everybody knows...
MR. ZI HERN is bery bery...
nt handsome...
em..sze yee dun angry la..
mayb tat ppl juz play play lo...
coz sometimes we also play wat..
say terence...hiao and sao..haha..
relax la ^^
vdesh...i also nt sure hw to explain the word "hiao" o..
bt for me it is quite similar v the word "flirt"..
if a girl keep flirt v the boy den we will say her hiao lo...
or the girl dressing too open..den will say also gua...
dunno la..
conclusion: Hiao is a negative word..
walao wei ....zi hern....u wait..u sure goin to die...or i goin to make ur face hancur...!!!
until jh oso cannot recognise ur face....
u better keep a watch on ur keep track of ur death time....Zi hern....u really wait!!!
and eeink...thx...i know the meaning dy...flirt....yea. i tink tats it...
c..all my friends r trying to explain'hiao' to u.. understand ady?
mr.zi hern..ur examples nt kira hiao gua...
tat is 'zi lian' la...hiao is more suitable for girls...
exp:'a lian..a hua..'....
== la u all hiao is horny la zzz
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