em, it is our last gathering in SMKDPT...
spm suddenly become so meaningful, at least"it" make us to meet each other everyday
after spm all of us will go seperate way, but i believe tat our relatioship as strong as ionic bond instead of weak(key word) Van der waal's force of attraction,we mus keep in touch n have at least a gathering each year T.T
i will take my foundation course in sunway college, u all can come n find me XD n dun wprry,if i marry wif jung min or hyung joon i will invite u all ,hahaha i think soon u all will receive my invitation le >0<
(lol,after spm english test,my essay getting lousy,now i no idea to continue my writting le ,ps a ..bb)
9 years ago
okok..must hav a gathering~~
but hor....stop dreaming la...
Jung min and hyung joon not urs la...
b more rational fans la...
i think the invitation we receive later will nt b one of them...XD
who is him o..=p..(actually we all noe tat answers)
but u 2 dun so ganjiong la..must sabar...
earn money 1st ...haha
kae sheng kae sheng...
kae sheng kae sheng...
本人XXX 与XXX 之女
正新颖 将与
XXX 与 XXX 之子
吴凯盛 共结连理
zi hern..both surname salah liao la...
one the tay and woo ..both wrong..
hey nono..xin ying name totally wrong...
type it properly ma-.-''
dun worry gt back up...
wont kena belasah d...
zi hern,i noe b gay d misery, but u no nid announce to everyone tat u r gay,u noe ho the invitation sound lyk u wan marry wif ks...nvm,we all still will attend ur wedding d >3<
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