Below is the list of things that u all should bring..
1. Sure $
2. plastic water bottle 1500ml ( after drink can throw away directly )
3. bag ( bring along when go out )
4. sunglasses ( if got )
5. cap or hat
6. shirt ( x6 )
7. short pants ( x2 or 3 )
8. Jeans ( x1 )
9. underwear ( x1 .. ?!! no lah, just kidding.. ) [ x5 ]
10. Gastby *( just for boys .. LOL )
11. camera and phone
12. toothbrush ( bring along toothpaste also )
13. shampoo
14. tissue ( a dozen )
15. jacket
16. comb
17. charger *( camera and phone )
18. sport shoes and slipper
19. socks ( x3 better )
20. some junk food
21. Things that can entertain yourself ( ipod, Mp3, laptop, PSP etc.. take care yourself )
22. sunblock *( if needed )
23. some plastics for dirty shirts
24. watch
These are the things I think should bring,
I am thinking when typing, so if anybody wanna add some more ( especially girls ) can put comment here!
thanks lol!
Ready for the trip now!
9 years ago
for girls only... ROTI...
lol ><"
i think no nid bring jacket all la... there so hot... nt genting wad
bring better lah, later morning wake up will cold de.
sia u forget girl's roti
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