long time i didnt post anything here, feel so guilty ><
btw i would lyk to congratz sau cgyun for getting jpa n bid him farewell to india wif his nice saree suit ><
then i oso wish that those who taking STPM can buk-up n jyjy in order to score 4 flat ( for me stpm is an odeal tat y by hook or by crook i wont take stpm for my own sake , ur guys' courage i appreciate alot >< )
third, i lyk my matrix life a lot , gt lot of fun, lot of frenz n can slp in kuliah summore !!! (this is the main point) hope those who r oso in matrix dun regard it as suffering n try to appreciate it from bottom of ur heart...altot it is nt the bes bt it is oso nt the worst ... it is more than enof for me i feel contented n sastify enof...next week , my mum will come n fetch me to seremban ,yeah! anticipating...
have a nice day everyone =) ( oh nearly forget, gratz ks FINALLY pass his jpj test >< )
9 years ago
take care a...
come back then organise a gathering lo...
miss u all very much...
and ho...dun miss me...
and jealous bcoz i can online everyday...lalala~
~~~, i oso can online lo~~~ haha
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