Argh argh !! ... VERY PEDAS !!!!

( why the title like this ? )
got my reason.
Plz tune in.

'Argh argh !! ... VERY PEDAS'
why ?
The feeling,
when we ate cillies or sambal.
We feel the hotness / the spiciness.

It just like the relationship.
Our friendship.
Like a Chilli.
When we chewing ...

'Chew chew chew' ...

Argh argh !! ... VERY PEDAS
Argh argh !! ... VERY PEDAS
Argh argh !! ... VERY PEDAS .......

For A while ...
Phew ...
Lega ya..
then no news edi ...
Where is everyone ????

This is our third home.

( 1st is our own home. 2nd alrdy taken by School)

Somebody !!
Beauty ??
or Puppies ??
Where are u ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ??? ? ? ? ? >.<

Although it alrdy 7 days since the trip,
those Sweet Memories still very fresh ..... fresh ...


Category: 8 comments

Category: 3 comments


The trip was extremely awesome....had alot of fun....even though very little sleep....
anyway..thx for inviting me together with u all to the trip...i appreciate it alot!!

Category: 4 comments

let me countdown for ur guys =D

33333 days left!

Category: 0 comments


hahahha! i end my spm yesterday! yeah!

Category: 0 comments


hey all! no nid to bring food..we buy for all oredi!!really a no nid bring,waste place onli,,

Category: 0 comments

List of thang! ( reply zihern's post )

Below is the list of things that u all should bring..

1. Sure $
2. plastic water bottle 1500ml ( after drink can throw away directly )
3. bag ( bring along when go out )
4. sunglasses ( if got )
5. cap or hat
6. shirt ( x6 )
7. short pants ( x2 or 3 )
8. Jeans ( x1 )
9. underwear ( x1 .. ?!! no lah, just kidding.. ) [ x5 ]
10. Gastby *( just for boys .. LOL )
11. camera and phone
12. toothbrush ( bring along toothpaste also )
13. shampoo
14. tissue ( a dozen )
15. jacket
16. comb
17. charger *( camera and phone )
18. sport shoes and slipper
19. socks ( x3 better )
20. some junk food
21. Things that can entertain yourself ( ipod, Mp3, laptop, PSP etc.. take care yourself )
22. sunblock *( if needed )
23. some plastics for dirty shirts
24. watch

These are the things I think should bring,
I am thinking when typing, so if anybody wanna add some more ( especially girls ) can put comment here!
thanks lol!

Ready for the trip now!

Category: 3 comments


cum on... i dun know apa benda nak bawa tat day... bring shirt, skirt, then semua barang... how much money should we bring ah? n then ho... when we depart? after noon? y choose at afternoon... lol... then ho... barangan hiburan can bring or nt? i wan gamble... hu wanna join><" haha... jux little only la... we r SMALL KIDS wad... pls tell me ya... wat to bring... food? cup noodles? bapak dia... i really gt no idea... those hu experience pls tell...
tqtqtqTQ veru much...

Category: 0 comments




Let us spree now!!!!

Shout loud loud with me now!


Category: 1 comments

年少轻狂+shining friends

在那个吹着 凉凉微风的夜
在这个吹着 冷冷微风的夜
难过时想起那一夜许下的愿 温暖涌心田
让我们一辈子 都依靠着彼此
虽然都耗尽了 年少轻狂的日子
还有一个梦 让我们坚持
让我们一辈子 去守护着彼此
虽然都经过了 无忧虑的那些日子
只要有你 给我鼓励 就有勇气 继续去飞驰
不让岁月把我们给吞咽噬 失败了再来一次

A little faith brightens are rainy day
Life is difficult you can go away
Don't hide yourselves in a corner
You have my place to stay
Sorrow is gonna say goodbye
Opens up you see the happy sunshine
Keep going on with your dream
Chasing tomorrow sunrise
The spirit can never die
Sun will shine my friend
Won't let you cry my dear
Seeing you'll she'd the tear
Makes my world disappear
You'll never be alone in darkness
See my smile my friend
We are with you holding hands
You have got to believe
You are my destiny
We're meant to be your friends
That's what a friend should be

Category: 2 comments

Complicated Relationship - family problems, anyone??? ( LOL..! )

Family Problem

Two men, one American and an Indian were sitting in a bar drinking shot
after shot.

The Indian man said to the American 'You know my parents are forcing me to
get married to this so called homely girl from a village whom I haven't even
met once.' We call this arranged marriage. I don't want to marry a woman
whom I don't love... I told them that openly and now have a hell lot of
family problems'.

The American said, talking about love marriages... I'll tell you my story. I
married a widow whom I deeply loved and dated for 3 years. 'After a couple
of years, my father fell in love with my step-daughter and married her, so
my father became my son-in-law and I became my father's father-in-law.

Legally now my daughter is my mother and my wife my grandmother. More
problems occurred when I had a son. My son is my father's brother and so he
is my uncle.

Situations turned worse when my father had a son. Now my father's son, my brother is my grandson. Ultimately, I have become my own grandfather and I am my own grandson.. And you say you have family problems...

The Indian fainted..

Category: 7 comments


yeah~... new moon saga waiting for us~ haha... edward... i cuming for u liao~
i heard many one said tat u assembles me a lot... nw i wan go witness tis~
NEW MOON~ lets cheer for it~
yeah yeah... after chemistry~ prepare to crazy for the day o... T.T
our gathering... dun know last how many times... haha

Category: 3 comments

For Trip

17 days left

Category: 6 comments

For Trip

18 days left

Category: 0 comments

For Trip

19 days left

Category: 0 comments

BIO is past tense...

it WAS bio exam... yahoo~
FINISH ALL THE tough tough subjext ad...
hehe... nw is getthing to relax...
yeah~~~... lets discuss where should we go after the chemistry... hahaha...
i wan dating~~~^^ LONG TIME NO DATE liao... so miss sial...
since last time i first time pegang her hand... already one n half month lo...
yeah~~~ hooray~~~ lets sweep off all our unhappy evernts into the tikar... start enjoying guys~(bware of heart attack...)

Category: 0 comments

This is it..


有时就像复杂的Additional Maths..











我们之间的友情不需Measure Of Dispersion,






希望 你们也一样


我爱你们 ^.^

Category: 7 comments

Science subject is coming up soon, so here are some tips for candidates.
For bio students, the procedure for the report must included:
K1(apparatus)- candidates are advised to write at least 3 steps to set up the apparatus.
K2(constant. v)- at least 1 step for constant variable
K3(responding. v)- at least 1 step for responding variable
K4(manipulated v.)- at least 1 step for manipulated variable
K5(precautions) -steps for precaution
*K1 to K5 can be in random position.

For example,
Lab Report JK001A021(the name of the candidate is kept confidential)

Aim: To investigate the average speed of the hand-made arrow.

Problem statement: What is the average speed of the hand-made arrow?

Materials and Apparatus: Hand-made bow and arrow, string, ruler, Sony Ericsson K530i

1. A hand-made bow is set up in ready-to-shot mode. (K1-1)
2. A hand-made arrow is prepared in the center of the bow. (K1-2)
3. A Sony Ericsson K530i with stopwatch software ready is set up. (K1-3)
4. A force of 0.5N is used to pull the rubber band to a maximum length. (K2)
5. The stopwatch is started using the leg when the arrow is released. (K3-1)
6. The distance travelled by the arrow is measured using a string and ruler. (K3-2)
7. The speed of the arrow is calculated using formula Speed,v=distance/time (K3-3)
8. The experiment is repeated for another two set. Average speed is calculated. (K5-1)
9. The experiment is carried out in same living room with the fan off. (K5-2)

Time(s) / Distance(cm) / Speed(cm s-1)
1.6 / 381 / 238.125
1.5 / 390 / 260.000
1.65 / 377 / 228.485

Average speed = (238.125+260+228.485) /3
=242.2 cm s-1

Conclusion: Average speed for the hand-made arrow is 242.2 cm s-1.

Just ignore me coz I was too bored. ==
Anyway good luck guys =D
Love u all always =D

"A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. -Prov 18:24"

Category: 3 comments

Dear My Frenz~~~~

Wawawa... So touching neh... All lyk very sad n keep thinking of all the memories we had. Wat i wan say all said le lo, Nw say wat? LOL. U all reli can promise? Lyk tat Perjanjian Zi Hern, dude. I wan gathering every year!!! At least 3 times in months. Minimum le a. I think i reli ll miss~~~~~~~ u all and maybe if i very desperatelu wan meet u all, dun said u very buzy a. Still dunno go where, but i hope gt ppl ll same skulz with me. Stella, tat plan stay in ur aunt house may or may nt work, but if reli works, even one ear oso nvm... Sunway?? guess i can , but the debt.. Haiz...

Musr rmb these thing, minah!!

1)Three things of life that are most valuable - Love, self-confidence & friends
2)The most beautiful discovery best friends can make is that they can grow separately without growing apart

Most vital thing, through out your life you will meet someone who is unlike any other, you could talk for hours and never get bored, you could tell them things and they wont judge you... person is your soul mate...your best friend don't EVER let them go... OK?? Promise?? LOL

Heh, cum we bet, hu ll marry first... Or hu ll date with hu?? Seriously...

1. KS N Stella (Dating?)
2. Zero n JH (marry first?)
3. Se chyun n Leena (marry first?)
4. Unknown liao... ==

U all think la, i totally dunno gt hu liao... Cum on, let's vote!!! (Dun angry or wat la, Juz a game la, dun so petty, if reli ll angry then gomen first la, XD)

Category: 5 comments


lol... forced to write something here...
if nt i will b the specimen of the biology ...
Whole my body will b cut off n bcum the experiment... respiratory, circulatory, integumentary, n reproductive as well as lymphatic system demo...
NONONO... i dun wan!!!!!
i m going to b driven into frenzy by the BIo... gud luck ya all... i will remember u all d... frenz forever...
nw we make a agreement here...


those hu married must call us to attend ur marriage wedding...
hu menyahut tis perjianjian then left ur comment here... cum cum cum...
n then we must organise anannual party for gathering... watever wat reason u have to cum...
no excuses... i wan the gathering will b full every year... until die then no nid cum... ( we all will live for a very long time... dun scare )
jkjk ( those hu die le if wan cum oso can la)
jkjk... hahaha

Category: 7 comments

before graduate...

em, it is our last gathering in SMKDPT...
spm suddenly become so meaningful, at least"it" make us to meet each other everyday
after spm all of us will go seperate way, but i believe tat our relatioship as strong as ionic bond instead of weak(key word) Van der waal's force of attraction,we mus keep in touch n have at least a gathering each year T.T
i will take my foundation course in sunway college, u all can come n find me XD n dun wprry,if i marry wif jung min or hyung joon i will invite u all ,hahaha i think soon u all will receive my invitation le >0<
(lol,after spm english test,my essay getting lousy,now i no idea to continue my writting le ,ps a

Category: 5 comments

。◕‿◕。Sweet memories 。◕‿◕。

2005...1 Berlian
2006...2 Baiduri
2007...3 Baiduri
2008...4 Berlian
2009...5 Intan
there r many sweet memories for me~

i still a noob==''....poor in malay..dunno hw to communicate with the students who different races..

the most memoriable time for me during secondary school....
tat times was fun...coz form 2 is the first time for me to enter afternoon class...
hav alot of happy and funny memories during tat time...
the most unforgettable incident is...SUPERMAN!!!!
feitucq bcame superman...haha..XD
tat time everyone was worrying about will kena tangkap or amaran...
but luckily gt the help from pn teo and cik.amizah^^
just get salah laku ...=p

im not really rmb wat happened...i just rmb 3 Baiduri got alot chinese ..haha
it was fun..and douglas is the one who owayz wan to fight v me tat time...
he is kinda playful and fun...
oO..i still rmb we got a kem jati diri at Savana Hill...
tat time i gt climbing phobia ==...den chen young din help me!!!!!
make me so angry tat time!!!!hahahaha...

1st time study in first class...
u think i stress???!!!
actually no stress=='' i just be myself there...XD
bt i still rmb En.Azri...ask me to do a question on the board!!!!
and i dunno hw to solve it...dunno wat question ady...
if nt wrong is function=.=''
say i sleep in class..ask me to answer it...
tat time Sport day cuming marching all the day...
hw cum no tiring!!!haiz....
actually zi hern gt try to help me la..(thanks ar zi hern)..XD
but...can u giv a hint tat is more clear??..giv a blur hint ..hw i get ur means =.=''

friendship becomes stronger ...
everyone know each other better...hahaXD
actually b4 form5...
im very rare to chat v some friends
like hui kee,jing xian,hui ting,syueh yee,weng see,hui lu,vivien,hui cing, yuru, chia woei and more..
the most memoriable event for me...
actually is the summer's spirit not trying to promote st.john..dun misunderstanding ar XD
bt i think our friendship start growing during the camp...
i was shock when i heard zihern,sau chyun and wei zeik join us for the camp...
but tat time was extremely happy to hear it...
coz last year and last camp...more ppl joining means more fun..hahaXD
i must apologize for my team and the beast...
sorry ar...i cooked a stupid dishes..tat is totally bitter...i dunno the onion will bcum so black=.=''
lastly..let me sing again our team slogan

G&B : hey~~~ we r beauty and the beast yea...hey hey hey hey..
G: we r beauty u r beast yea...hey hey hey hey
B: we r handsome u r beast yea...
G&B: We r beauty and the beast yea...

if u see the lyrics..then girls are the final winners...boys admited they r beast~wohoho

i dunno hushpuppies song le...if u guys rmb..plz type it out ya....haha...=p

okay...i just end my post here =D

Category: 4 comments

8th December 2009

After finish exam...lets all take photo...dun run away...especially to those who i wont meet again...
oya..n dun 4get to throw ur papers ( symbol of freedom since no graduation hat)


Category: 0 comments

Backgroud and Parting away!!

The BG is awesome...holly awesome...
GOOD job with the change of the BG...

Every1 is sad of being separated....
Even though we move further apart from each other...
Our friendship will remain CLose..( got FB , msn ...tiz blog...hps...)
hehe...anyway...Cant wait for MELAKA!!

Category: 3 comments

Graduate = Pisah?!

Yes! we r going to finish spm ady..
but all of us r going to seperate after spm too...
mayb some going for NS..some working..some further their studies..
there is no more chance for us to meet everyday as our school life...
what i can say just good luck for all my friends...
and keep in touch...feel free to go out yamcha and dun giv excuse...^^

Recently, i received a lot of message from friends..

1st msg is sent by Hui Lu...
This forward message is quite meaningful..
i will write in in chinese...sorry
永遠珍惜這份緣~ 你也要好好地珍惜你自己哦~

2nd msg is sent by Zi Hern...
朋友一生一起走 那些日子不再有
一生的友情 縱然有瑕疵
隨風而去 朋友們
謝謝 想哭就哭吧~ 沒人看得到>.<'

Other than tat 2 msg, there is some msg about apologize 1..
everyone feel sad because the graduate and seperate with friends..
but we must cheer up...^^

Graduate is not the end...
Graduate symbolise a new begining for everyone...
Everyone hav to learn more after it...
learn to be strong.. independent ...
and adapt ourself into an new environment...

Last, i wanna say...
friends...feel free to find me if u facing problems...
treat me as a good listener...
and go out together...sing K, movie...yamcha..must find me!!! XD
love u all ...muacks <3

Category: 1 comments

haha..long time didnt write blog le..
hey!!!all of u go where oredi???
missing?disappear?or evaporate oredi?haha
still left three week then we can go MELAKA.
all of u pls dun forget to bring ur camera,keep the memory of tis last gathering in high skul life..
after SPM want party?? (steamboat again >,< not boring?)
cum on!let's play sum new tricks!!
want party in the bedroom?

or even party in the USA??haha


"ALL THE RIGHT FREN IN ALL THE RIGHT PLACES!!"(actually tis is "all the right moves"lyrics,,haha)

Category: 5 comments


yay! yay! yay!!!
no more sej in the future...!!!
videsh should b very happy i tink...

Category: 1 comments


SPM is coming tomorrow. I hope you guys can do your best.


Category: 0 comments

43 days more to go...!!!

the excitement is unbearable !!

Category: 0 comments

Steamboat Party ~Funny Pics ><

The girl in darkness...


Don't eat Grace ><

Si Jing's baby...

Something delicious ><


EiEiLa too miss her jung ming >< Grace so cute ><
Hot man's jump! So hot~

Eeink also cannot tahan XD

Eeink mimpi ><

More photos at Facebook:
-KS' album
-Eeink's album
-Yuru's album

Category: 0 comments

Proverb !!

To Err is Human , To Forgive is Divine.....
( nicee meaning )

Albert Einstein : Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.

He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is an idiot.. !!!

He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child. Teach him.

He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep. Wake him
He who knows, and knows that he knows, is a leader. Follow him.
get my message.... ?

Category: 0 comments


Deepavali is coming around the corner..... ( 17th OCT )
so remember to drop over my house ( either for breakfast o dinner )
after all its an Open HOuse.....muhaha

people who might come plz msg o alert me to get my house address...except for the ones
who already been to my house.... =P

food available
-muruku ( whole day)
-nasi lemak ( nite)
-tosai ( nite n morning )
-drink (undefined)
no place to list down....^_^


Category: 0 comments


Someone please write down wat u all discussed at kantin 2day?
a brief explanation will do

Category: 4 comments

Party In The KaiXin’s House!

Wow! Its party time!
Steamboat steamboat!
Its delicious! LOVE!

Mama Mia~!

Cool seh Vdesh! haha!

Category: 0 comments

Steamboat in my house!!


steamboat cuming soon!
i want eat until i cant eat..haha
all of u dun so ke qi a
bring sum abalone to share with me...(^o^)
thank u very much..
hope all of u enjoy tis holiday!
dun waste tis~~is party time!
after one month cant play oredi..must study(=="')


Category: 3 comments

TRIALEND ? ( trial end )

Finally finished...

Trial !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After trial, badminton pula ...
(OMG ... u think u r 'Iron Man ' ? dun need rest one ? )

Syok lah ... for someone who alredy ...

'Men-a-Pause' for a long time ... like Zi Hern.

Omg she keep staring at my buttocks ...

Sabor keh !? ...................... or Jibor ?

The Steamboat (wed) for those who coming:

'Please bring atleast 1 ingredient for the 'boat' ...'

'NEED VARIATION PLZ .... if all bring the same 'species' one ...'

Then the next wed ... we will see 100 ++ fishballs in the soap ...

(Min : 500 grams ... Max : 1 kg )

(Please write wat u going to bring for the steamboat. Leave comments)

Fishball ! ( videsh picked ... no more fishball )

Category: 4 comments

sad...exam over...

haizzz... exam so fas over jor... sad sial...
like suddenly no hala tuju ad...
bapak dia....

Category: 1 comments


im sure tmr all of u will express ur happiness on blog..
Let's high...
2moro going for badminton ^^...long time din play jor...
got ppl bring gf go ar??? den i muz go lo...
but i dun wan bcome gooseberry leh..haha...
em...i got a lot of quest to do le...
everyone.. we muz confirm the end year trip as soon as possible le...
so...plz kindly ask ur parent`s permission and giv some response on tis trip..
everyone participate it..everyone should know well about it too...

Category: 1 comments

To Those who take Bio and Chinese tomoro!!

Say " hip hip huuurraayy!! " " hip hip Huuurraay!! "
its all " over " for us .....a peace of mind for us.....
n tmr we can all enjoy a game of badminton...
and u can c few couples finally dating after a long "pause " button!!

to those who taking accounts ...dont worry about it....
i believe its piece of u too can enjoy badminton tomoro..
the oni thing i can say to those accounts students
“ 加油” and “努力”。。。。。( hope my spelling are correct)
if mistake plz correct for me..
old ppl say
" buah cempedak di luar pagar,
ambil galak tolong *jolokkan* ,
saya budak baru belajar ,
kalau salah tolong tunjukkan "


Category: 1 comments

Its Raining day ( Wednesday Post )

For those who back home by foots:
1. An umbrella is needed -- ( ESPRIT is suggested.. )
2. Bag which is water proof -- ( Recommend NIKE.. )
3. Shoes that not easily worn-up -- ( NO SUGGESTION.. )
4. Walk faster -- ( Avoid 'slow motion' beside the place which accumulate rain water .. LOL )
5. Run when chase by dog ??? ( wooi, tak de kena mengena langsung! )


[ take note o.. ]

Category: 1 comments

happy sejarah~~^^

haha... sejarah finally bcum past tense...
yeah... lets go k box tis saturday... huh?!
wakaka... so happy...

Category: 0 comments

>>> SPM TRIAL <<<

To my dear frenz...
trial o...
everyone muz "add oil" ...haha

^ _____ ^ zzz
( *( 0 0 )* ) zZzZ
dun bcum lazy pig lo... haha..

( @ _ @ ) and dun study till too late...

owayz ( ^ ~ ^ ) me...(haha..laugh is better)

Category: 2 comments


Hi all I just back from Perak yesterday xD (I better finish this post quickly before 12.00 or not yesterday le ><)
Today I want to share some cute photos of my cousin here :D
Here's simple intro for the main character today:

Name: Syamil Syah Danial
Age: 5-year-old

Ok that's all for the introduction lol. Now's the photo time!

------------------------Isn't he cute xD------------------------
------------Take at Pizzahut d the light is brighter---------------

--------------------Two cute guy lol :D---------------------
------------------The bear is also very cute!-------------------
----Danial's sis. Danial took it when he played with my hp xD----


New day is coming!

Category: 5 comments

Disney's Up Main song Theme - I'm lovin it..!!

Category: 4 comments

LOL [ non-stop! ]

This is a nice show!


Carl Fredricksen is a shy 8-year-old boy who meets an outgoing and rather eccentric girl named Ellie and discovers they share the same interest in adventures as their hero, famed explorer Charles Muntz. Ellie expresses her desire to move her clubhouse, a dilapidated home, to Paradise Falls in South America, a promise she makes Carl swear to keep. Over the next 70 years, Carl and Ellie marry and grow old together in the house where they met while making a living as a toy balloon vendor and a zookeeper respectively. Unable to have children, they also try to save up for the trip to Paradise Falls but other financial obligations arise. Just as they finally seem to be able to take their trip, Ellie succumbs to her old age and passes away, leaving Carl living by himself, becoming bitter and missing his wife terribly. By this time, the city has grown around Carl's house with construction as he refuses to move. After a tussle with a construction worker over his broken mailbox, the court orders Carl to move into a retirement home. Carl comes up with a scheme to keep his promise to Ellie, and uses his old professional supplies to create a makeshift airship using 10,000 helium balloons which lift his house off its foundations. However, shortly after taking flight, Carl finds that Russell, a Wilderness Explorer trying to earn his final merit badge for "Assisting the Elderly", has stowed away on the porch after being sent on a snipe hunt by Carl the day before.After a storm throws them off course, Russell steers the house with the help of his GPS navigator, and they find themselves on the opposite side of the tepui from Paradise Falls. The two find their body weight provides enough ballast to let them walk, dragging the floating house behind them. The two begin to walk across the tepui, hoping to reach the falls while there's still enough helium in the balloons to keep the house afloat. During the journey, Russell befriends a huge, colorful bird which he names Kevin, not realizing that the bird is actually female. They later run into a dog named Dug with a translating collar that lets him speak. They discover Dug's owner is 92-year-old Charles Muntz, who has remained in South America for many decades. Muntz explains that when he had brought back a skeletal species of a new bird species, he was called out as a fraud, and thus now seeks to bring back a live specimen, specifically Kevin, to restore his reputation. Carl is initially thrilled to meet his hero, but when he realizes that Muntz is after Kevin and will kill remorselessly in order to capture her alive himself, Carl takes steps to save the bird and escape from Muntz. Thanks to Kevin and Dug they escape Muntz's pack of vicious dogs, but Kevin is injured during the escape.Led by a tracking device in Dug's collar, Muntz and his dogs arrive in his airship while Carl and Russell assist the injured Kevin to her chicks. Muntz traps Kevin in a net and sets Carl's house on fire, forcing Carl to choose saving his house over cutting Kevin loose. After Muntz flies off with Kevin, Carl firmly tells Russell he intends to get to Paradise Falls or die trying, and begins walking back again. The next day, Carl successfully gets the house on the cliff overlooking Paradise Falls like Ellie's wish just as the balloon no longer have any buoyancy to lift the house, but Russell's desire to assist Carl has been dulled out of anger and disappointment. Carl, settling down in his house, finds Ellie's childhood "adventure" scrapbook, which he thought had been left blank after the first few pages to save room for their planned adventure to Paradise Falls. However, he instead discovers that the pages have been filled with mementos of her life with Carl after they were married, and finds a final note from her thanking Carl for the adventure of their marriage, and an encouragement for him to go on an adventure of his own. Invigorated by Ellie's last wish, he goes outside to see Russell, only to find him giving chase to Muntz. Carl lightens the weight of his house by dumping furniture and his possessions, allowing him to chase after Muntz in his house with Dug by his side.Russell enters the airship through a window, but is captured by the dogs. He is tied up and left to fall outside, but Carl saves him and keeps him tied up in the house. Carl and Dug board the ship, and are able to lure the guard dogs away from Kevin to free her. Carl and Muntz duel face to face and fight (Muntz with a sword, Carl with his cane), while Dug is able to wrest control of the pack and the airship. Russell frees himself but clings to a lifeline as he finds the house in a dogfight with biplane fighters. When Carl shouts for help, Russell distracts ("Look, a squirrel!") the dog pilots and regains control of the house to rescue his friends, who are now on top of the airship. In pursuit, Muntz shoots out some of the balloons, causing the house to land and slide off the airship. Carl manages to trick Muntz inside the house while saving Russell, Dug, and Kevin. Muntz attempts to reach the airship again, but gets tangled in the house's balloons and plummets to the earth below. Carl's house drifts off into the clouds, a loss Carl gracefully accepts as being for the best.Carl takes control of Muntz's airship and returns Kevin to her chicks, and then returns with Russell and Dug back to the city. When Russell's father fails to attend his son's Senior Wilderness Explorer ceremony, Carl fulfills that role himself to proudly present Russell with his final badge, the grape soda badge that Ellie presented to Carl when they met ("The Ellie Badge"). Afterward, Carl becomes a cheerfully active community volunteer with a strong father-like relationship with Russell, Dug, and the other Wilderness Explorers. Meanwhile, his house, through happenstance, did ultimately land back on the cliff overlooking Paradise Falls, exactly where he and Ellie envisioned it.

I will recommend this to you all!

[ Grape Soda ]

( and I miss Vdesh's PSP so much! )

Category: 2 comments

Hi! I am grace... to here...
trial is coming...
so must work hard in this holiday...

Category: 1 comments

Chow Kai Xin


Category: 0 comments

SRY to dear frenz...

haha.,... bery sorry la for nt going for the singing...
bt then it means u all gt more chance to take the mike wad...
haha... c lo... i evern beter than sau chyun lo.... puasa le stil dating... i nt dating tat day but go home directly...
ok? can forgive me nw?

Category: 7 comments

I'm not a ''hiao po''...!!!

firstly..hello everyone..i'm szeyee...hmm...i tink u all noe me...haha..since i'm so 38...surely all of u noe me...if dun noe me nvm...i'll introduce myself here...haha.....the most beautiful girl in ur life..>.<
that's me....hehe..
first post.
i want to talk about 'hiao po' dis two words..
tat day..someone(1) said..'hey..szeyee..u really hiao lo..!'
of course...i'm nt happy..but i din show it to anyone else...
well..just want to tell tat person..i'm nt a hiao po!!

last week ..i changed my pencil mum bought it to me...she said tat pencil box is bigger..can put calculator...since i'm always a obedience girl...>.<..
i changed it....who noe...
first day i went to skul wif my new pencil box...
den...someone(2) said..'walau..szeyee..why u so hiao ..use this kind of pencil box..'
again..omg...hey girl...u noe wat is the meaning of hiao po or nt?
if dun noe then juz keep quiet la...dun simply use this two words on me...
babi kau...opps..sorry..i promised someone(3) tat i wont use 'babi' again...
ok la...last time...haha..

nth more....juz like tat...juz want to let all my friends noe tat i'm nt a hiao po...
dun say it again...pls...i very sensitive to this two words...why??
hmm...bcos i dun like hiao po la...simple...

trial is coming soon....gambateh ba...all my friends...


Category: 7 comments

FollOw This !!



1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner
like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat
less food that is manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
5. Make time
for prayer.
6. Play more games.
7. Read more books than you did in 2008.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day And while you walk,


11. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what

their journey is all about.
12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control.

Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don't over do. Keep your limits.
14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake.
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with
mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.
Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to


25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 &
under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your

family and friends will. Stay in touch.


32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come.
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
39. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Last but not the least:

40. Please Forward this to everyone you care about

Category: 1 comments

Admire .... ( I LIke U !! ~ )

(Adapted from An Email.)

(From my Lovely Uncle that Admiring Me. ^^)











這是我在之前玩Free Hugs遊戲時,得到的






Lets Spread the Love ~
Friends Forever.

Category: 4 comments


Hmmm... Bored bored... Holiday already...
haha... Beyonce - If I Were A Boy feat. R Kelly is a super nice song...
Can anyone put something here to read..?
Raining already...

Category: 1 comments

Piano Piano..!

I go for my grade 8 exam already...
Pheh... Ang Moh man... So handsome...
Kai Xin and Sze Yee should be interested...
Quickly go find them at level 4 Pan Pacific Hotel...
I heard that hisyam-mudin (don't know how to spell) At there o..! Haha... Got red carpet...
Hmmm... Puasa coming... Selamat berpuasa kepada semua kaum muslim... Especially to Muhammad Sek Chun bin. Mohd Al-Siddiq... Remember to go Bazaar with Leena da sao... Haha... Badminton At U5 this Sunday... Hope can see her play this sunday...

Category: 0 comments


Today that stupid ** really make me angry sial...
She sendiri don't want do essay dah la...
No need to blek blek...
I know your english very good...
So what..!?!
You jealous teacher say me "hardworking"..?
My add math better than you for sure..!
Even the simple mathematic modern you also can get D...
Ingat pandai sangat la tu...
Ingat sendiri cantik sangat la tu...
Tapi you don't know that you're the most ugliest girl i ever see...
Dah la pendek... Rambut tak cantik... Wo Pui...

Category: 1 comments

Nobody Wash Their HaNDS

Category: 0 comments

3 weeks to pRe-DOOMs Day!!!

we only have 3 weeks to get prepared for the pre-war.....
and so many challenges we have to go through b4 even joining the war..
will there be enough time for us to WIN??

*so many dumb presentation to do......haiz.....
teachers are so not considerate whether the students have time for revision o not...*
i) they can' teach properly
ii) they give to much homework
iii) they expect too much from us!!!

Anyway ...everyone....GOOD LUCk to all for ur Pre-examination...(percubaan/trial)

Category: 0 comments


Why teacher keep giving homework and ask for homework...
trial exam is around the corner...
we still hav to finish so many homework...
going to MAD!!!!!!
hope teacher stop giving homework
and stop asking us for pass up all the homework!!!!
think we 24 hours no nid sleep ?...robot ar==

Category: 1 comments


hey frenz..
thanks for ur bthday wishes and present...
i appreciate it very much...haha
terence...thanks for doing my bthday card ar...
can i noe who is the one no write name ar?nvm..i will find u out..LOLX
kai xin thanks for ur video...quite touch and funny...(thx feitucq and siasia for helping kai xin)
i watch it v grace...we 2 laugh till cant stop ar...
realli thx...

Category: 0 comments

Sigh fast we r going to take our spm..
we r going to graduate ...
juz now i went friendster and viewed our photo in camp...
it's so memorable....
i cant imaging that the time passed so fast...
In camp...
we all play together...high together...cook together
gila together...somemore "tuo" together.....
bt we nvr feel malu coz we r in same team..(although different group)
enjoyed it xD...
miss the time we play together...sleep together...lolx...
of coz boy and girl seperate la...
as i noe.. boys r gossip-ing when mid9 o...
girls quite obedient..all sleep..
nt really noe wat u all chat sure u all wont 4get it...haha
looking back some pic tat we took at tat time...
quite sad actually
coz keep thinking of there is no more chance for us to join camp again..
share v u all the pic we took...flash back..

# Beauty and the beast #

# Hushpuppies #


#although someone was extra inside tis photo...but we should appreciate it #

# A bomb bomb time ... all take off spect #

# Going to show ur slogan?? SEXY team #

# Cooking time... so cooperate in cooking dinner #

# Cooking sweet xp #

# Got nanny jaga @.@ bt nanny younger than u all ...shame #

# Ask Form 5 go stage and sing?!! only siasia and terence know sing it #

# Jari dalam mulut part 1 #

# Jari dalam mulut part 2 (Focus on shun ern) #
R u having the same feeling as me?

Category: 4 comments

Guessing Game * due to Eeink's Request for more*

haha...since eeink asked for's more...
try it....(start from top left corner) ur best!!!

Category: 7 comments

Guessing game Part II * are u smarter than a kindergarden murid* ??

Here's the part II of the question i asked those who manage to answer...congratz...
now lets c u try tiz!!!

Category: 4 comments

Guessing game * are u smarter than a kindergarden murid* ??

1 . ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ???.....can guess wat it means??...hehe
Ps: to those who i already explain the answer plz dun tell the ans..let the wan who havent do try it n crack their brains....muahaha

2.wHat can u all tell from tiz???


What is the message found in tiz words>>>???


Category: 8 comments

Desolated Child.

Not even a single smile turned for the Child.
Not he don't want to mingle,
is the society started to desolate the Boy.

Discrimination for the Blacks ..
OR the Outdated ??

I wonder why ?
The problem lies on the Mind.
(Partially his fault also. >.<)
Being to kind and too good also a problem.
Huh ?

Just a simple gesture can lighten his day.
Just do it.
Why don't we start to spread our love to Others ?

(Appointed to Berlian's Chokias.)
No Offence.
You all know who am I talking about.

Kesian ... >.<

Category: 6 comments


Today ..
I would like to share my life story again...
It's all about my silly sis..

When she back...
She asked me: " Why u never phone me ? "
I replied: " I got phone u once ..u don't remember? "
She become angry and said : " Of course i remember...u just phone me and ask for maple account !!"
I suddenly become silent mode ...
Then she continue say : " When big sis not around..u always phone her and when i go for study , u treat me so differently"
Then i realised that ...she start jealous because i not fair to her..

So... i want to apologize to my dear 2nd sis,Lynn..
and i promise to be a good sis...
i will phone u if i am free ..
i know u feel alone there..
I get it already...u need my love...and i will give u my love.. haha

(Cara perbualan dalam format BM =.='')

Category: 2 comments

hari canteen

haha,2day de hari canteen not bad o
with the scrumptious n delicious food( is that really so ?)
with the mesmerising n enchanting performance by our sch stuntman(got mie?)
with the "mushrooming" couple all over the sch (i m not intend to disturb u all de )

okok,the above r jus only 4 dramatic effect...
now,i would lyk to tok abt main point
first,i would lyk to glad chinese society for the marvellous result
and all the executive committee will have my special thanks at here for ur efforts
BRAVO~ pls carry on ur enthusiasm to our chinese society
and i oso thx for those who support chinese society (ur support will be our main motivation to strive 4 the best!!!!) ( touching isit? cry le ma? stanby wif tisue papper ma XP)

then , 2day i act wif jia hui untill i so tired ==''
and cause my face become numb n insensitive now
with a water bottle pass here n there .....
with a amusing "drama" presented by me n jia hui at padang
lol,i sure u all will laugh ur head off if u c our antics

oh ya ,2day,zi hern tend to show her kissing skill in front of us
altot he try hard n try lot of time ,
but , i should admit that it is indeed a lame skill ><''
to zi hern,
"no matter how much time u try,success would not crown ur effort de if u do not have a proper skill, u wan to take a course to improve ur skill ma?"
(wait i check "hafo" got such course anot ,then i can recommend to u XD)

ok,now i wan to carry on my game le all

Category: 0 comments

canteen day...

haha...nt bad la tis canteen day coz its our form 5 last canteen day le... cherishing...
next year mayb gt many frens nt around tis sch le... so, a chance for us to gather together, seeking for fun... having fun memories together for future...
hehe... many comments...
(hu else interested can go view my tq...
jau huei, u say gt album? where gt?!

Category: 0 comments


Ding dong... Haha... Treat your sis like that... So bad...
I'm not happy now... ERGH..!
Who want to play badminton..?
Next wednesday i cannot... Too far... Anyone wants to play at U5...
Call me..! Quick...
Today saw Sau Chun with Leena... So tak bagi muka... Take picture also don't want...
Zi Hern and Jia Hui is the best... (Sporting betul)
The live band... Not bad la... Hear music only... Can't hear what they sing...
Got Taylor Swift binti Abdullah... Got Jason Abdillah... (Wei Shen said de)
haha... When i can online nobody online...
Unlucky betul... haha...

Category: 0 comments