Haha... CNY coming siot..! Any confirm activity..?
-.-! Today i went to Jusco Terbrau...
I saw one baby boy fall down from the trolley...
Then started crying... Now got sales la... All cheap cheap de...
Thaipusam 2...
Thaipusam !
lol...2day our dear friend ...ketua of 5 berlian ( 2009 ) ...Swathy..
got angkat the kavadi....n oso pierce his mouth n tongue
but peh....walking on the road...so so so hot dy...skin can burn...the road is so hot...
even my feet feel like put in the oven ...
[ pix of swathy taking kavadi ]
|| be4 pierce || || after pierce ||
|| final touch down..b4 reaching temple ||
haha..i cum make some noise here lo....woohooo!
nw all definitely work work work..earn earn earn...study study study....haiz..
CNY is cuming!yeah!!wan party again? i m party queen lie(haha,,juz kidding)..
actually i wan talk my students..==
the kindergarden kids really cant bear it..although 4 students bt nid keep shouting...tired...when scold them,i scared they cry then hurt>.<...bt scold oso nt use...
one girl..cal ee lin,really****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!keep saying dunno how to write,dun wan to learn!!2,3, 4 dunno hw to write!!abc oso dunno hw to recognise....faint...nw i becum more garang to children than last time..becos of them....
the primary skul still ok,,bt oso nakal...some of them will keep shoot u..not obedient..they oso dun wan to think sum of their works..ask me n get the ans...first i dunno..then after i see other teacher how teach them,then i noe le..
they scared scold by other more fierce d teacher so ask me to get the correct ans..dun wan give other teacher check directly n get the chance to scold them...they see me gud to bully!!!really shit!!
one student more worst!!when i cut my hair,he say mushroom!!!!(although nt say directly to me,is say to his fren then i heard,like sengaja loudly!!)he a!!durian head!!!
primary six d some susah a bit..even i oso dunno hw to do...so embarrasing..sum of them nt trust me,,,becos sumtime i will suddenly say out"tis one a,,actually i nt sure.."so....tis is the kesan....regret,...... ah!!one more thing,,i teach jing xian d bro today..haha..he so quiet..look at him like i m teaching jing xian,,lol..so weird...too alike..like jing ting more...==
hey all....missing....gathering....fun......ok???hahaha
Who thinks tat they will be free on 20th feb 2010...
who can go out...n who wan paintball that day....
do let the members know....wanna know the estimation of the ppl who wanna play!! lol
-THE time for paintball....who thinks they can make it...plz do comment...lol
-and who thinks they have faint heart..plz dont comment....
anyway..just wanna post something since long time didnt post anything...
my FIRST time..!
hello..i'm here again..
i went for blood donation in UTAR...
i gave my first time to utar...
i and my friend went to donate the blood...
we are the only two foundation girl went to donate the blood...
this is because...
they dont know that i and my friend are just 17 years old...
Block A-Hall of UTAR
waiting the nurse to put the needle into my skin

my hand
still then same things i want to tell...
i miss all of you...
i want to go back masai...
go paintball with all of you...
but my cny holiday just have two days...
so i wonder i can go to play paintball with you all or not..
my dear and my dear friends..
drink more water...
the weather really hot at here...
how's masai?
take care.
Shopping Night
When passing by the meat products area my brother told me to look at the lamb and beef:
"They look normal ah," I said with a puzzled face, while doesn't lose my cuteness. "You look at the name," he said. Lol. Black Paper Aust Lamb. "Maybe this is the name for the lamb?" I helped Tesco to explain. "You see the meats got pepper on them." "Of course is they write wrong." He said without holding back, cold as usual. "But paper and pepper different so much, it's not possible for them to make such a mistake." My kind soul made me speak for Tesco. "The workers will tired also ma, they are human also."
Well I guess he is right this time. I left after taking the valuable photo.
Stay happy guys :D
first lectural lesson at UTAR.....!
18/1/10 (monday) sunny
well...first of all...today is shun ern 's birthday...
happy birthday to him...haha
today is also my first lectural lesson..
woke up early in the morning..and went to school..
i went tu school ny bus...
the bus was extremely crowded...=.=
just like last time when we go back from omega...macam sardin....the bus..
my first lectural lesson is mathematics 1..
hmm...the lecturer is a very young guy..i think 23 years old only...
not handsome d...wakaka...
i kanel quite a lot new friends...haha...
some same age with me...some elder than me...
and...what i felt very proud is...i hv a african classmate...haha...
he look like very lonely...dont have friends...sit alone in the corner...
next time i go sit with him...haha..
after math...i went for japanese language lesson...haha...
my teacher is a girl..from japan ...
i learnt HIRAGANA and KATAKANA table..haha..
the pronousation all very funny...
i like it...
i use japanese to introduce myself in the class...haha..
'min son ohayo gozaimasu..
watshiwa ch'ng desu
dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu'
then the teacher said'ko ko maisu..shin she yashimaso'
that's mean let's have a break...then we all rush to toilet...
bcos our classroom very cold..
'urinary bladder almost burst!'one of my friend said..=.=
hmm...utar campus is very huge...
totally got nine block..
that's block A to block I
some of the blocks are still building...mayb will start to let students use when May intake..
i walked until my legs cramp lo..
i like utar..
i like the enviroment
i like the teachers at here
i like my friends at here...
although i need
to leave my sweet home and come to perak
leave all of my friends at there ...
leave my family...
leave someone and something...
sacrifice the time hanging out with all of you...
but...it's worth...
i will study hard...!haha...
anyone want to come here study?
ko ko made...sayonara...~^^
First day at Rennaisance !!
WOw...kinda interesting + odd wearing uniform ..
Everything was almost the same except we have two lecturers teaching at the same time..
something new i have en-counted
The subjects are kinda challenging even the basic physics as we know are no more easy..
so far i only learn pure mathematics and physics for the 1st day....n i feel maths is nice...
lol...finally ....there got many Leng LUis......
haha.....and some are even taller den me...haha
School LifeD
School has started already.
All the students are already in school,
listening to the bell rings, the teacher nagging and having the unstoppable homework,
haha.. It seems that school life really is really the best life...
I miss my school life,
Or I mean school lifeD...
Haha... Very weird, Being at school thought that NON-SCHOOL-LIFE is the best thing ever,
But after graduating, feeling that SCOOL LIFE has its uncontrollable attraction...
HAHA... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Let's see these photo...tis whole year d...haha..i use my blood sweat to do tis d...so long time finish it...haha,but i feel less smthg...but dunno wat...
frens,tis year we more closer than last year rite?!(think properly..haha)
more activities..always fun fun fun until i forgot we juz pass the spm.\==/
haiz...those who go ns(the first batch) enjoy ya!!
then all u want to cum out again n farewell those second n third batch??haha
summore new year party?? a lot a..o u all want go genting b4 we go study??^^
so.....keep in touch a!!!
(pls look these photo from down )^o^( )
a bing ge n a bing jie
vid,u want i translate??
(a bing ge=icy bro=soldier boy
a bing jie=icy sis=soldier girl)
dot dot dot...
long time din post anything at here liao...
well...first day of 2010...
my mood....BAD..!
lol...i also dun noe why i'm so bad mood today...
first..early in the morning,i was asked by my sis to do a LOT of house works...
mop the floor..sweep the floor..change the bedsheet...wash the halaman rumah...wash the toilet...bath for the dog...!!
lol...i noe my ambition is to bcum a housewife...but i really dun like to do all these when my hands are paining...LOL...
tot i'm maid from indonesia or filipina a...>.<
second...i CANNOT go play paintball wif ur guys !!!
haiz...i cant change my undang lesson...
third...some stup*d ppl post some bull shit comment in my fb...lol...
no ned go to find...i cancel ady...hehe..
haiyo...first day of new year...why so sad...?
i dun noe...
mayb is bcos i want to go kampar ady...
one more week le...
fourth...i message to all my friends in my skul ...told them tat i'm going to kampar soon...
however...no one reply me...=.=...
speechless lar...
haiz haiz hiaz....i really dun like to sigh...>.<
Happy New Year!!! 2010!!!
I upload yesterday's mc donald picture to my facebook already... fell free to drop by and leave your comment... wakaka...