lol...2day our dear friend ...ketua of 5 berlian ( 2009 ) ...Swathy..
got angkat the kavadi....n oso pierce his mouth n tongue
but peh....walking on the so so hot can burn...the road is so hot...
even my feet feel like put in the oven ...
[ pix of swathy taking kavadi ]
|| be4 pierce || || after pierce ||
|| final touch down..b4 reaching temple ||
9 years ago
OMG..! Swathy..! Handsome o him... Anywhere... He take kavadi for..? Videsh didn't take the milk..?
lol..i last time oredi botak ma....
hair is more harder to lose!! in tiz generation....
take kavadi means wat??becum a Man??sure hurt when pierce on tongue...ouch!
walao...become man? lol...1st time i hear tiz le..
it means he wish someting to god..den he like buat janji lor...if take kavadi den in return god will give wat u want...tats wat the believe is...
Swat macho siol!!
selute swaty~
pain lor....!
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