Let's see these photo...tis whole year d...haha..i use my blood sweat to do tis d...so long time finish it...haha,but i feel less smthg...but dunno wat...
frens,tis year we more closer than last year rite?!(think properly..haha)
more activities..always fun fun fun until i forgot we juz pass the spm.\==/
haiz...those who go ns(the first batch) enjoy ya!!
then all u want to cum out again n farewell those second n third batch??haha
summore new year party?? a lot a..o u all want go genting b4 we go study??^^
so.....keep in touch a!!!
(pls look these photo from down )^o^( )
a bing ge n a bing jie
vid,u want i translate??
(a bing ge=icy bro=soldier boy
a bing jie=icy sis=soldier girl)
9 years ago
although nt in the photos...but i really miss the days tat we wear uniform to school...and wear the school uniform to omega...=)
i miss form 4 still...cause f5 keep w8ing for the spm coming....so tough...--
wei wei....i still going to wear uniform...n go OMEGA aka Rennaisence
haha...your one si special case vid...haha..
well done kai xin...!come...i give u a kiss..!mucks..!hahaha
haha..tlen..the form 4 one photo not in my laptop,in old pc..so didnt post..post tis year lo..i think onli u waiting for the spm cum..haha
sze yee, u got in photo a..sum la..
hahaha.....wah...kai xin..really gud le..post all....haha
best post..so far...
kai xin...( if i was a girl....( beyonce song ? ) i will hug u....cheh...)
( Tears of Joy?? )
tis year we only have past 3 days... wher gt more fun than last year o ... kai xin...
haha... n then ho...
bapak dia...
fas put down the photo i n jia hui la... nub
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