18/1/10 (monday) sunny
well...first of all...today is shun ern 's birthday...
happy birthday to him...haha
today is also my first lectural lesson..
woke up early in the morning..and went to school..
i went tu school ny bus...
the bus was extremely crowded...=.=
just like last time when we go back from omega...macam sardin....the bus..
my first lectural lesson is mathematics 1..
hmm...the lecturer is a very young guy..i think 23 years old only...
not handsome d...wakaka...
i kanel quite a lot new friends...haha...
some same age with me...some elder than me...
and...what i felt very proud is...i hv a african classmate...haha...
he look like very lonely...dont have friends...sit alone in the corner...
next time i go sit with him...haha..
after math...i went for japanese language lesson...haha...
my teacher is a girl..from japan ...
i learnt HIRAGANA and KATAKANA table..haha..
the pronousation all very funny...
i like it...
i use japanese to introduce myself in the class...haha..
'min son ohayo gozaimasu..
watshiwa ch'ng desu
dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu'
then the teacher said'ko ko maisu..shin she yashimaso'
that's mean let's have a break...then we all rush to toilet...
bcos our classroom very cold..
'urinary bladder almost burst!'one of my friend said..=.=
hmm...utar campus is very huge...
totally got nine block..
that's block A to block I
some of the blocks are still building...mayb will start to let students use when May intake..
i walked until my legs cramp lo..
i like utar..
i like the enviroment
i like the teachers at here
i like my friends at here...
although i need
to leave my sweet home and come to perak
leave all of my friends at there ...
leave my family...
leave someone and something...
sacrifice the time hanging out with all of you...
but...it's worth...
i will study hard...!haha...
anyone want to come here study?
ko ko made...sayonara...~^^
9 years ago
Glad u hav a nice time there =D
Ur japanese class so nice la ><
haha...happy schooling ar><
keep in touch nehXD...
miss u...muacks
haha...wah wah ...sounds fun n nice...
sze yee..ur 1st assignment wen u come back...teach me japanese...lol..
anyway..glad to hear..u like it...have fun...cya wen u get back!! stay safe!
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