NAME:Stella Tay Xin Ying *they usually call me beauty or cutie la, then i also no choice ><'' AGE: still very young la ...around 3 or 4 years old
CHARACTERISTIC: aiyo, such matter i can't judge by myself right?...let ask my friends
eeink: kind n helpful n considerate
kwang yek: clever ,talent , intelligent
meng an : cute, confident, gorgeous!
si jing: enthusiam , courage ,active
sin teng: soft,gentle ,politly
jing ni : independent, honous , reliable
kai jie : generous, thoughful, bighearted
lance: humble, liberal, noble
shurn ern : hardworking, high endurance, steady
grace Lee :calm, fair ,capable ,
kai xin :agile,alert n sympathetic
terence chong: careful, creative, problem-solver
jau hui:appreciative, optimism, nice hanwritting
*see,13 out of 13 friends which i choose randomly give an positive opinion about me , so i also can’t deny about my good qualities...wahaha XD
HOBBIES: 1)since i m helpful so i usually add some special"ingredient" to my lovely friends' drinks or food ecspecially lance without his knowledges ( the special ingredient including acid,alkaline,rubber,mercury,magnesium oxide,small pieces of copper ) *lance,if u still can read my mssg here ,this prove that ur body immunity is perfect
2) i oso lik to glue ur chair, so please "see" twice before u sit on a chair (such action can help to boost ur alertness) * u all mus thx me ,it is better to be forearm n forewarn.....
3) i lik to attack ppl from behind with the speed 0.000001 seconds (dun think i m pervert) * if u feel something is wrong behind u ,then u better run with speed up to 100000ms-1 for ur own sake ......
distinction/ sopecial achievement: 1) I and my group members won the competition held by THE STAR n we r awarded with a 3 days 2 nights genting highland travelling( dun envy me i will buy presents 4 u all) ><
2)my face r automatically be my proud(jk,dunno whether i can c 2moro sun shine n sun set anot ....)
3) due to computer game , i had try to "keep vigil" for 2 nights ( 2 days didnt sleep a ,can u imagine my dark cycle ? go to zoo n c panda bears, cause i play the computer game with them)
4) i used to pretend as ghost n scare the little kids till they cried their head off n i felt gleefully ( pls pls pls god, i dun wan the retribution)
5) i cant deny that i m very brave n lik to u noe that i ever challenge 2 female tiger .... contohnya, i owes say hui kee is fat n say eeink is lik a boy....if u noe who is hui kee n who is eeink sure will my predicament.....sigh..
boyfriendssssssssssssss: erm.....which one u want to noe ? my ex? my current one? or the future one? and which range u wanna to noe ? range from 1 years old to 99 years old ......
PHOTO? i scare u all will miss me very much or even try to meet me by hook or by crook once i upload my photo ,so forget it ......
lastly...i wan to advise u far as i can c from my own experiences , the very very very important thingssss....dun use uhu gam when u want to stick other chair cause ur hand will tio stick first is very sticky..believe me sincere advice
9 years ago
cant imagine kwang yek telling tat to u!!
the last comment was said by
me!@@ * videsh*
eleh ....
13 ppl told a lot of lies ...
muahahah .....
here those ppl's comment tat u didnt included ...
'Mun Fong: horrible, dreadful ... my god ~'
'Ws: -.- tak boleh harap ... blur blur queen...'
'Chia Woei : walau tat budak ... '
only the 3 ppl tat i didnt include told lot of liesssssss
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