hellow every , puppies , cats , beauty n may b oso the beast...... Know who am I? *c the title*..lolx..
*taking a deep breath to begin*...
Name : Sum ppl call me ViD€sh , others call me Videsh ( different font oni..hehe)
Nickinama : Vid , Viddy , Granpa , Sifu , n many more...lai lai lai..choose wich 1 u wan..hehe.. (oopss...i put a nickname for nickname..*actually tersilap type*)
Class : 5 precious stone *not sure the name* (2nd best class in my skul) *best class for me!!!!...*espesially wen u have jokers like wei shen and the background sound maker OOI Izu Chia (eh...sry tats his bro...lolx...its OOI chia woei)... ....dun let ooi noe!! haha
Hp : o12xxxxxxx....but not maxis...(do i have a hp num in the 1st place????)
Fav subject : Sejarah n moral ..coz of the both subs are thought by the best teachers..hehe (u all agree???)
of the record....my fav sub is additional mathematics....
Ambition : Petrol Chemical Engineer >insipered by my chemistry teacher < (1 n only pn.Vanaja) > and oso trip to clay valley<>
Girlfrens : too many even my fingers n my toes can't count or better tiz way no.. 8 (turn clockwise 9o degree) n u will get the ans...hehe
Glory : memperkenalkan the Cube of Rubik ( if u go watch NIte at Museum 2 ..u will understan)
> Sia....lets sing it baby!!! "tats the way ahhuh ahhuh....i like it ahhuh ahhuh....tats the way ahhuh ahhuh....i like it ahhuh ahhuh" lolx.....einstein rockz...!! ( π =3.141592654) haha...
About me : Positive : Tall ( actually average) , Always calm ( i guess) , So far nvr got angry ( may b 1s o twice) ..like ppl around me being happy n always smiling,....n also always try to make ppl laugh n give company to ppl wen they are sad.... I like blue colour ( feel its calm n peaceful n oso....75% of the earth is blue * from the satelite oni* hehe) I tinnk....i can get along with most people.....if they wan to get along wit me....
oya....i am a damn damn quiet hoy!!!..hehe....(agree every1)..
Negative: Negative x Negative = Positive (the ans is all of the above..hehe).....i just malas to write all my negative....!!
Quotes of the day (may b troughtout our life time) : Impossible is Impossible......( even fat ppl can play badminton..haha...like ME!!! ..)
Signing of : Videsh!! a.k.a...Vid
9 years ago
sry la..cube shifu...
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