"The school's open day is around the corner.
And what is your feeling? excited? thrilled? anxious? worry?"
-adapted from "precaution before school open day><'' (jk-ing version)" by Ste.La(to power of>5).Lia
One of my female friends asked me what should she do before the open day because she is very fond of a boy at her class. And the worst thing is Pn.Vanaja had found out this little secret of her, because of her over-affectionate behaviour towards the boy. (Opps did I said Pn.Vanaja is 5 Berlian class teacher?) Her name will be kept confidential in this predicted conversation on the open day:
Pn.Vanaja: so you are xxx's mum? many teachers told me that your daughter talks very loud at class, especially during Physics class. But the thing that most irritate me is her hideous laughing sound during my lesson, I really tak boleh tahan.
Madam Tay: really? but i do not think so..
Pn.Vanaja: nonono, u cant say like that,your child is really terrible u know?
Madam Tay: but i cant realise it.
Pn.Vanaja: omg... you cannot be so ignorant, your child is really a big problem in our class. == she is not that naive as you think.
Madam Tay: but she only noe how to play computer game.
Pn.Vanaja: oh, by playing computer game can aggravate her behaviour in class? you better stop her quickly before it is too late!
(the conversation continue... when Madam Tay was about to leave, Pn.Vanaja stood up with a serious look...)
Pn.Vanaja: can you give me one more minute? I got a very very important thing to tell you... actually these days I found out that your child is too in love with a boy in my class.
Madam Tay: really? omg pls tell me quickly I got to apologize to the boy for being harassed by my daughter!
Pn.Vanaja: calm down you need no worry. Kae Sheng is a very kind and thoughtful boy, he is always overflow with forgiveness. It is not suprising that your child had fell in love with handsome and CUTE guy like him, but you really should worry about your daughter more...
To my female friend who was quite dismayed,
You got two options now:
1. Confess to your mum about the boy as soon as possible.
2. Plead Pn.Vanaja not to tell your mum about the boy.
(But take note that the boy will not like you anyway so give up is the best solution:)
9 years ago
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