oNE day a post man went for his duty like everyday, but tiz was the 1st time he ever went to tiz particular lorong ..but he still continued his posing all the letters to their houses...
He went from house NO14 to house NO18...but for some reason he skipped house NO17..
Y do u tink he did that?
A smart student's answer : because there is a LION in the hse (if u terbalikkan the NO17)
A dumber Student's answer : bcoz the owner of Hse NO17 uses internet n chatting service (modern lifestyle)..D'uh who got time to post letter like grandma's zaman
99.999999999% shows that dumber students are smarter than dumb students (dumb lost just by er wit dumber).
*my 1st joke* i noe its kinda lame....but hope u all like it!!
9 years ago
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